Meeting number 40
28th May 2018 at The Broady.
Sergeant in Arms Sue Svensson introduced President Lee.
President’s report.
Combined Board Meeting
We have a combined Board meeting (new and old Boards) on 30 May at 6pm at Mid West Funerals. My last one as President.
Rotoract WA Changeover Dinner
We have been invited to Burswood on 20 July for the Rotoract Changeover Dinner. There is an email about it there so if you are interested write your name on it and I will forward you the link so you can book yourself some tickets.
Rotary Means Business Networking Event
Of course this is in Perth on Tuesday 5 June. Again there is an email with a link fi you want it.
Inaugural Geraldton Probus Meeting
This will be on Wednesday 6 June. I seem to be a helper for this. Not sure how I got myself involved in that? But it seems good. If you want details then ask me. It would be good if we as a club could support it with bodies present at the first event. I will ask you about this again closer to the date.
Facebook Group called “We Love Rotary”
We have been invited to join this worldwide Facebook group. I do intend to check it out but haven’t had a chance to do so yet. There is an email there about that too.
Emails attached as usual for you to write your name on if you wish me to forward it to you.
Club Service: Jen Edwards, Save the date 7 July for changeover dinner. Showed everyone the new small banners.
Youth Service: Tom Thuijs. Wild West Bike run, last weekend in August, raffle tickets coming soon! Still looking for drivers for teach and grow. Interactors are looking for items for their raffles for their movie night. $500 donation for a year 9 student to go to Perth on an excursion.
Public Relations: Vaughan Masters, Volley Ball against violence, 15 September. Check the new lool web site.
Community Service. Mick Powell, need helpers for BBQ at the museum on WA Day. Play ground has gone from 440 road house.
International Service: Tom Gorman, showed a top that is being posted to our exchange student in Brazil.
President Elect: Sue Svensson, Wednesday 30th May 1st meeting to decide committees.
Enjoy your week, Faye.